Just added --- an explanation of surveyor's bearing and distance notation, including interactive calculators and source code. Click here.

A new Excel workbook and PDF version of the road survey form is now posted. Check the Blank Forms section below. There is now a sample survey form posted with a description of how to fill in each form item. Just place the mouse pointer over an item and read the pop-up information. Please contact the Webmaster if you discover any problems with the new form.

The group continues to be highly motivated and productive, and I want to encourage new people to join us. There are always interesting jobs to do. Everyone brings their own set of skills and knowledge to the project which adds to the overall success and education of the group. So... If you are even a little bit curious about what's going on, then put the next meeting date on your calendar and join us.

New trivia... Ever heard of a "pent road"? No, you say? Read on...
pent road
A pent road is a road and legal right of way that is gated at one or both ends. The gates are not locked, and the public is permitted to pass through. This is not a common occurrence in Vermont, but it is included in State Statutes.
A bit of trivia... Does anyone know what a "dug-way" is? Well, according to a 1913 Webster dictionary, here's the answer:
(?), n. A way or road dug through a hill, or sunk below the surface of the land. [U.S.]