Town of Hartland
Ancient Road Committee
— meeting minutes —

Table of Contents

  • 15 April 2008
  • 26 February 2008
  • 19 February 2008
  • 5 February 2008
  • 24 January 2008
  • 8 January 2008
  • 18 December 2007

  • 15 April 2008

    Public Present

    Sandra Palmer, Gary Trachier, Diane Bibby, Bob Bibby, Dan Morancy, Mandi Potter, Jay Boeri, Karl Kemnitzer, Gary Trachier


    Meeting Started at 7:10 pm

    Minutes from 2/26/08 accepted.

    State to extend deadline to 2011. Went over letters/complaints to state. Towns are feeling like they are getting no help from the state.

    For file names even when there is no survey number, give Ss#.

    Need to approve minutes from 3/18/08 at next meeting.

    Group as a whole wants to make sure that newcomers know they are can come to any of the meetings. They welcome them to come and observe and/or participate.

    Sandra wonders if we should start walking some of these roads now that the weather is starting to break. We will start a list of roads that may need to be walked.

    Gary will add link to TRORC to view GIS maps online.

    Jay, Karl and Bob discussed road information given to group by Woodstock Ancient Road Committee member Charlotte Cleveland.

    Discontinuances - Dan left off at Bk 5 Pg 144 and was working backwards. Next page to look at Bk 5 Pg 143.

    Adjourned at 8:40 pm

    Mandi Potter

    26 February 2008

    Public Present

    Nancy Plimpton, Julie Hazen, Sandra Palmer, Gary Trachier, Diane Bibby, Bob Bibby, Dan Morancy, Mandi Potter, Jay Boeri


    Meeting Started at 7:10 pm

    Minutes from 2/19/08 accepted.

    Jay will be at town meeting and will speak briefly. Group came up with a one page handout for town meeting. Basically we will print off the home page of the website as it says what needs to be said.

    Looks like the format for the excel spreadsheet is ok. Jay will drop some off for Mandi to try five of them and send them to Andy Boyce for a trial run.

    Jay brought up discussion about whether or not to ask the state of VT for an additional year for the research portion of the Ancient Road Project. Apparently some towns are feeling like it would help to move the 2008 date for researching the roads to 2009. Sandra made a motion to e-mail legislator in support of extending the research portion of the ancient road project one year. Bob Bibby second the motion. Vote was made and passed 8 for and 0 against. Jay will construct an e-mail to send out in support of adding an additional year to the research portion of the ancient road project. Jay will also send a courtesy copy to Steve Adams.

    Gary reviewed guidelines for how to spend the grant money given to the Ancient Road Committee by the state. Looks like we are in conformance with state regulation.

    Gary set up a list serve for us which should make sending e-mails to the group much easier. What you need to do is go to the website to sign up. For future e-mails we will be able to just e-mail and it will send the e-mail to anyone who has signed up. We will continue to send e-mails both the "old" way and the "new" way until it looks like everyone or most everyone has signed up. Gary is going to allow e-mails to be viewable to the public online.

    Jay handed out more discontinued roads:

    Sandra took:

    Book 5 Page 204
    Book 6 Page 48

    Julie took:

    Book 5 Page 206
    Book 5 Page 199

    Bob & Diane took:

    Book 5 Page 151 - 153
    Book 7 Page 16

    Nancy took:

    Book 6 Page 72
    Book 6 Mill Street (exact page number wasn't clear)
    Book 6 Rt 12 (exact page number wasn't clear)
    Book 6 Page 15
    Book 6 Page 20

    Next meeting is March 18, 2008 at 7:00pm at Damon Hall.

    Adjourned at 7:50 pm

    Mandi Potter

    19 February 2008

    Public Present

    Nancy Plimpton, Julie Hazen, Sandra Palmer, Gary Trachier, Diane Bibby, Bob Bibby, Dan Morancy, Mandi Potter, Betz Hartz, Walter Davis, Karl Kemnitzer


    Meeting Started at 7:15 pm

    Minutes from 1/24/08 accepted.
    Minutes from 2/5/08 accepted.

    Looks like all GPS information for the road is just about completed. Gary will let us know for sure once he has entered all of the information that he has.

    Sandra Palmer has someone who can gather GPS information on snow machine on one of the back trails.

    Jay and Gary will get together to come up with format for excel spreadsheet.

    Discussed possibility of doing presentation per an e-mail from Bob Stacey. A few ideas were tossed around. Decision was made to make up a handout that can be available for residents at town meeting. Group came up with several suggestions for handout. Discussion regarding handout ideas/suggestions led to questions about guidelines, deadline, etc.

    Next meeting is February 26, 2008 at 7:00pm at Damon Hall.

    Adjourned at 7:55pm

    Mandi Potter

    5 February 2008

    Public Present

    Nancy Plimpton, Jay Boeri, Dean Greenberg, Julie Hazen, Sandra Palmer, Gary Trachier, Diane Bibby, Bob Bibby, Dan Morancy, Mandi Potter


    Meeting Started at 7:05 pm

    Group has decided to formalize meeting slightly, which will include approving and making necessary changes to minutes. Will review last meeting minutes at the next meeting.

    Group discussed data entry that needs to be done in Excel to prepare information for Andy Boyce. People either didn't have Excel or weren't familiar with the program. The possibility of finding someone to type it up was brought up. Mandi Potter offered to possibly type the information for the group. Mandi Left so that group could discuss this. While she was gone the group discussed hiring Mandi for data entry at a "fair" price. She will try a couple as a trial, and then decide whether or not to take the job. All voted to accept. Mandi Returned.

    Group will type up text of discontinuances in word document.

    Sandra took:

    Book 5 Page 182-183 (Brothers Road)
    Book 5 Page 168-169 (Brothers Road)
    Book 5 Page 150 (Bryant Road)

    Nancy took:

    Book 5 Page 144 (Lord Road)

    Diane & Bob took:

    Book 5 Page 145-148

    Dean took:

    Book 5 Page 202-203 (Hwy 13)
    Book 5 Page 149 (Pelham North)

    Almost done gathering GPS information on road intersections - only about 15 left! Please visit the Road Committee's website to view which roads are done and which still need to have GPS information gathered on them. Just a reminder, if anyone would like to borrow either Jay's or Gary's GPS units to gather positioning information on intersections please contact either Jay at 356-2110 or Gary at 436-2971.

    The town's website is:
    The Road Committee's website is:

    Next meeting is February 19, 2008 at 7:00pm at Damon Hall.

    Adjourned at 8:20pm

    Mandi Potter***

    ***Gary Trachier in Mandi's Absence

    24 January 2008

    Public Present

    Betz Haartz, Walter Davis, Nancy Plimpton, Jay Boeri, Dean Greenberg, Julie Hazen, Sandra Palmer, Gary Trachier, Diane Bibby, Bob Bibby, Karl Kemnitzer, Mark Walker, Yvonne Rice, Ronnie Rice, Dan Morancy, Mandi Potter


    Meeting Started at 7:05 pm

    Andy Boyce of Geographic Solutions came to discuss GIS mapping. He reviewed the process he would use to map the roads of Hartland for us. He must have a landmark in order to accurately lay out the roads. Once all of the information is gathered and mapped, the file will be the towns information to keep. He will be billed hourly for his work and he reviewed his estimate handed out at last meeting. Went over additional ideas that may end up being helpful.

    Slight change in the way we are recording longitude and latitude when gathering GPS information. Coordinates have been measured in degrees and decimal minutes (DDD MM.mmmm). The preferred format is now decimal degrees (DDD.ddddd).

    Jay brought an estimate from Judy Bond of GRGIS. Their estimate was $500-1000 for simple data adjustment only. Additional fees for more complex mapping etc.

    Discussed the group possibly transcribing information. Group will think it over and discuss at a later date.

    Jay removed himself while the group made final decision on who to hire due to conflict of interest. Group consensus is to hire Andy Boyce for the mapping.

    Please visit the Road Committee's website to view which roads are done and which still need to have GPS information gathered on them.

    If anyone would like to borrow either Jay's or Gary's GPS units to gather positioning information on intersections please contact either Jay at 356-2110 or Gary at 436-2971.

    The town's website is:
    The Road Committee's website is:

    Next meeting is February 5, 2008 at 7:00pm at Damon Hall.

    Adjourned at 8:45pm

    Mandi Potter

    8 January 2008

    Public Present

    Nancy Plimpton, Betz Haartz, Walter Davis, Sandra Palmer, Dean Greenberg, Jay Boeri, Gary Trachier, Mandi Potter, Dan Morancy, Bambi Pregal, Di Bibby, Bob Bibby


    Meeting Started at 7:15 pm

    Jay presented a proposal from Andy Boyce of Geographic Solutions. Mr. Boyce will lay out the GPS information into 3 different map types. He would like to come to the next meeting to demonstrate how this will be done. His estimate is $1665.00. Since he is Jay's son-in-law, Jay will remove himself from the decision making process where this item is concerned due to possible conflict of interest.

    Individuals volunteered to gather GPS information about the intersections on the following roads:

    Please visit the Road Committee's website to view which roads are done and which still need to have GPS information gathered on them.

    If anyone would like to borrow either Jay's or Gary's GPS units to gather positioning information on intersections please contact either Jay at 356-2110 or Gary at 436-2971.

    The town's website is:
    The Road Committee's website is:

    Next meeting is January 22, 2008 at 7:00pm at Damon Hall.

    Adjourned at 8:00pm

    Mandi Potter

    18 December 2007

    Public Present

    Nancy Plimpton, Betz Haartz, Walter Davis, Sandra Palmer, Dean Greenberg, Ronnie Rice, Yvonne Rice, Jerome Castellini, Mark Walker, Jay Boeri, Gary Trachier, Mandi Potter


    Called to order at 7:15 pm

    Jay and Gary put together a list of current roads and intersections that need to be mapped via GPS. Individuals volunteered for various roads; however there seems to be a couple major roads that are still available and need to be mapped out. The purpose of this is to note GPS information at all roads and trails (all intersections) for future mapping. All roads and trails should be noted, even if you don't think they were ever an ancient road as the information may be useful in the future - besides you never know what the trail was once used for. Once the information is gathered it will be presented to TRORC to be plotted.

    A concern was raised about missing road survey description pages - the ones the group recently transcribed to Excel worksheets. The consensus was that there are probably a few missing pages, and the group will need to go though what we have to discover what pages are missing. If anyone has pages or knows anyone that has pages please have them drop them off at Damon Hall at the Clerk's office.

    If anyone would like to borrow either Jay's or Gary's GPS units to gather positioning information on intersections please contact either Jay at 356-2110 or Gary at 436-2971.

    The town's website is:
    The Road Committee's website is:

    Next meeting is January 8, 2008 at 7:00pm at Damon Hall.

    Adjourned at 8:00pm

    Mandi Potter